Sunday, June 21, 2009

Jacob dice...READ THIS BLOG!

What does a mission team do on Sunday? Go to church of course! We returned to the church in Santa Rita where the youth festival was held and had quickly been transformed from a confetti covered room into a church again.  There were few people there because the festivities had gone late into the night (they started mass at midnight), but it was a great service none the less.  After experiencing church in Santa Rita last year, I really enjoyed the bilingual service because I could actually understand what was going on.  Mother Libby delivered the sermon with Grey's translation.  

After the service approximately 25 kids joined us for vacation bible school.
It was awesome to see the familiar faces and how they have changed, as well as have the kids recognize those who visited last year.  We told the lesson of Jacob's ladder, colored, made paper ladder chains which were hung in the windows, and played "Jacob dice" (Simon says)...I lost every time.  

There was story time and jalapeno eating contests at lunch followed by time for relaxation and shopping.  Below are some of the different reactions to los jalapenos! Monica and Libby also purchased the medication that will be given out at the medical clinic later in the week. Now we are looking forward to dinner, sleep, and the beginning of our business classes and preparations for construction tomorrow!     -Melissa Murray 

1 comment:

  1. Having been away my self for the weekend I am seeing all of the blog for the first time. Gret idea! I see everyone is either asleep or smiling! Great combination! I can't wait for the next installment!
