Sunday, June 28, 2009
One step closer to home
Friday, June 26, 2009
My New Home
"Espencer" Dibblee
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Thursday's mobile clinic
Libby, Sam, and Sharon in San Pedro Sula
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Medical
Once back at the church, we started vacation bible school and focused on the story of the loaves and the fishes. A few things we learned:
- Children, like fish, travel in gigantic schools when you are the one with the stickers
- If you are going to put out pom poms, plastic eyes, and pipe cleaners it works better to hand them out than to create one big pile and try to fend off attacks ;-)
- The lesson was not lost, we learned to share what all we had
It's never felt so good to be around so many sick people. I sat there at the makeshift "check-in" desk along with Sam, as we ripped up pieces of loosleaf and made some forms with basic information--things like name, age, where do you live, complaints/symptoms, etc. There was a sheet hanging from a clothesline in the back of our "clinic" (which was being held inside a basic, rectangular room with four windows, concrete floor, and plastic chairs) for private meetings with the doctor. Lynne and Dave manned the blood-pressure and temperature station while Sharon and Libby rationed out the prescribed medicines. There was a line of people standing outside before we were ready, but we got started as soon as possible. (to be continued by Katie Bailey)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Dancing in the Rain
From really old Mayan temples to blow up beach balls, today was blessed with God’s presence. Early in the morning we woke up and went to the Mayan temples. Next, we spent a long day building stoves, playing with children and best of all riding in the back of pick up trucks. Just as we left the church it began to pour. The only thing to do was to go dancing in the rain. The day was full of laughs and love, but most importantly the embodiment of the Holy Spirit.
--Catherine Belous
Catherine's post perfectly captures the highlights of today. I *love* the picture of them dancing in the rain! To me, it captures joy, freedom, innocence, friendship. Bliss.
In addition to the group activities, I was very grateful to spend some time with Concepcion, united in our love for God and our discomfort with each other's native languages! Through the power of the Spirit, we were able to communicate about future collaborations between our church. I look forward to strengthening our friendship and witnessing the power of the Spirit working in our congregations.I continue to be inspired by the energy, openness, and love that our youths show for each other and for the children of Copan. Our extraordinary adult chaperones on the trip have facilitated some transforming experiences for us all. Kathy, Cindy, Lynne, Sharon, and Norm have been tireless in their support and energy for all the projects we are attempting.
Today was bittersweet as three of us prepare to leave tomorrow. The kids promise to keep writing and I'll look forward to praying for them and beginning to plan Honduras 2010! Blessings and love, Libby+
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Latrines and sinks for dummies
Not to speak for the other member(s) of our group with extensive construction experience, but today we attended bathroom construction 101. If a natural disaster ever occurs in Vienna, rest assured that we could install new stoves, outhouses, and sinks for you!
- In the care the kids showed for Sophie who is sick
- In the children in the vacation Bible school
- In the compassion shown in the installation of the stove, in saving so many trees with a simple act of kindness
- In Lynne and her willingness to go an a wild goose chase to try to procure a donation of rehydration salts for our medical mission later this week
- In the sense of blessing for all we have upon learning that the medical clinic that we helped build gets used by the “rich” because it costs $2 per visit
- In the incredible natural beauty we saw up in the mountains
- In the lack of language barriers when sharing laughter and recognizing how certain jokes cross cultures
- In knowing that we are helping people through the business skills classes and seeing the people feel proud of themselves
- In Dave and his deep concern about keeping various parts of the trip moving forward and all of us safe
Monday, June 22, 2009
Our first day of work!
Where we saw God: Sunday June 21
- In the recognition of how blessed we are to be on this trip and the reminder to cherish this opportunity as a treasure
- During the exchange of Christ’s peace when everyone moved around and greeted each other
- In the faces of the children when they recognized Spencer—big, tall Spencer and such trusting, sweet children so delighted to see him
- In the smiles of our group at the lunch table
- In the goodness of the team work and cooperation
- In watching a the simple, slightly boring “Jacob’s ladder” craft transformed when multiple kids put their ladders together to make garlands to decorate the church
- In the welcome shown to a man with Down’s Syndrome at church and the feeling of connection when teaching him one of the crafts
- In seeing Libby and Concepcion say mass together so everyone could understand
- In the feeling “I love this place” and the deep sense of connection
- In Sam and all the responsibility she was given and took in preparing the lessons today
- In the incredible greeting and smile offered by a young woman working at the youth festival
- In an old woman’s wistful question whether we had brought toothbrushes, because she remembered our previous visits and validated the good work we do
- In the look of gratitude in the eyes of the grandmother of children at the Vacation Bible School
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Jacob dice...READ THIS BLOG!
What does a mission team do on Sunday? Go to church of course! We returned to the church in Santa Rita where the youth festival was held and had quickly been transformed from a confetti covered room into a church again. There were few people there because the festivities had gone late into the night (they started mass at midnight), but it was a great service none the less. After experiencing church in Santa Rita last year, I really enjoyed the bilingual service because I could actually understand what was going on. Mother Libby delivered the sermon with Grey's translation.